
이더리움 채굴을 위한 T-rex miner 채굴 명령어 정리

grammer2 2021. 10. 27. 22:12

이더리움 채굴락이 일정 부분 해제되었다고 하여서 T-rex miner로 이더리움을 채굴해 보았습니다. 채굴 명령어도 같이 기록해 놓아서 필요할 때 참고하면 좋을 듯합니다.


t-rex.exe -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://asia2.ethermine.org:14444 -u 지갑주소 -p x -w rig00 --cclock -500 --mclock +1000 --pl 70


코어 클럭 설정 명령어 : cclock

메모리 클럭 설정 명령어 : mclock

파워 리밋 설정 명령어 : pl

중요한 점 : 관리자 권한으로 실행해야 함.




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이더리움 채굴 화면

이더리움 채굴화면

T-rex miner 명령어

-------------------- GPU fine tuning (Windows & Linux) ------------------

        --pl                       Sets GPU power limit (Windows - in percent, Linux - in Watts)
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --lock-cclock              Specifies desired locked GPU core clock speed in MHz. (default: 0 - disabled).
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Example: --lock-cclock 1000 (applies clock 1000Mhz to all cards that support this functionality)
                                            --lock-cclock 1000,1300,0 (applies clock 1000Mhz to GPU #0, 1300MHz to GPU #1, ignore GPU #2)

        --mt                       Memory tweak mode (default: 0 - disabled). Range from 0 to 6. General recommendation
                                   is to start with 1, and then increase only if the GPU is stable.
                                   The effect is similar to that of ETHlargementPill.
                                   Supported on Pascal GPUs with GDDR5 or GDDR5X memory only.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to different cards.
                                   Example: --mt 4 (applies tweak mode #4 to all cards that support this functionality)
                                            --mt 3,3,3,0 (applies tweak mode #3 to all cards except the last one)

    -------------------- GPU fine tuning (Windows only) ---------------------

                                   All options can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to
                                   different cards. (default value for all options: 0 - not used)
        --fan                      Sets GPU fan speed in percent or target temperature (auto-fan).
                                   Valid formats:
                                      --fan N           (where N is the fan speed)
                                      --fan t:N         (where N is the target core temperature)
                                      --fan t:N[F1-F2]  (same as above, but with the fan speed constrained by [F1%, F2%] range)
                                      --fan tm:N        (where N is the target memory temperature)
                                      --fan tm:N[F1-F2] (same as above, but with the fan speed constrained by [F1%, F2%] range)
                                   Example: --fan 45,t:67,tm:95,t:69[45-100],tm:90[50-95]
                                   which translates to
                                      GPU #0: set fan speed to 45%
                                      GPU #1: maintain GPU core temperature at 67C
                                      GPU #2: maintain GPU memory temperature at 90C
                                      GPU #3: maintain GPU core temperature at 69C
                                              with the fan speed limited to [45%, 100%] range
                                      GPU #4: maintain GPU memory temperature at 90C
                                              with the fan speed limited to [50%, 95%] range
                                   Note: fan speeds are limited to [0%, 100%] range in auto-fan mode by default.
        --cclock                   Sets GPU core clock offset in MHz.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Will be set to 0 on exit and during DAG rebuild.
        --mclock                   Sets GPU memory clock offset in MHz.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Will be set to 0 on exit and during DAG rebuild.
        --cv                       Sets GPU core voltage in percent. Must be within [0, 100] range.
                                   Use it only in case you know what you are doing!
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --lock-cv                  Specifies desired GPU core voltage in mV. (default: 0 - disabled).
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --pstate                   Sets GPU P-state. Valid values: p0.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.



코어 클럭 설정 명령어 : cclock


메모리 클럭 설정 명령어 : mclock


파워 리밋 설정 명령어 : pl


중요한 점 : 관리자 권한으로 실행해야 함.
